PRESS RELEASE: Identomat Acknowledged as Fully Compliant with Georgian Law on Data Protection

PRESS RELEASE: Identomat Acknowledged as Fully Compliant with Georgian Law on Data Protection

Tbilisi, Georgia – Identomat, a Georgian AI-based platform for Know-Your-Customer (KYC) and Identity Verification has successfully obtained the opinion of the State’s Inspector Service and is now fully compliant with the Georgian Law on Personal Data Protection. Using the latest technologies, Identomat developed an AI-powered tool that onboards customers in a smoother and more streamlined way, without jeopardizing data protection law whilst guaranteeing the security of the collected data.

In an era where data breaches happen almost on a daily basis, organizations that provide financial or identity verification services are under immense pressure from regulators and legislators to focus on KYC and client due diligence. Identomat realizes the responsibility of data and information mining and values its security. Being fully compliant with the law of Georgia on Data Protection, ensures Identomat practices are in line with the business processes and technical safeguards outlined by the legislation. Identomat takes pride in being able to manage the delicate balance between fast, easy, and smooth KYC processes while simultaneously protecting and securing the collected data.

Not only does the aforementioned opinion of the State’s Inspector Service of Georgia mean that Identomat complies with the legislation in Georgia, but it also sends an important message as the Company aims to expand internationally. Georgia’s Law on Personal Data Protection is regarded as one of the most comprehensive pieces of legislation in setting the standard for the protection of customer data.

Georgian law on Personal Data Protection has been in force since 2012 and the following year the data protection office was founded, later renamed into the State Inspector’s Office. The legislation aims to ensure human rights and freedoms are secured in the process of personal data processing. The Law of Georgia on Personal Data Protection states that data could only be processed fairly and lawfully, without degrading the dignity of a data subject.

“We aim to provide clients with great user experience, as well as a quick and super-light onboarding process. Yet, we do not take security lightly. We hold ourselves responsible for our customers’ data and are guided by the highest standards in data protection – says Zura Kotaria, CEO of Raizomat, the company behind Identomat. “Obtaining the opinion by the State’s Inspector Service is a natural milestone for us, while we are also awaiting for the ISO-27001 certification, and GDPR compliance as we prepare to offer our services to EU-based clients”.

About Identomat:
Identomat is a KYC (Know Your Customer) and Identity Verification solution, developed in Tbilisi, Georgia. Relying on its proprietary technology, based on the latest advances in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Identomat streamlines the onboarding process, providing organisations and businesses with reliable identity verification and fraud prevention solutions. Please visit

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